
Efficient Management of Patients

Patients’ List

  • Capability to find patients in alphabetical order.
  • Patient’s complete demographic and personal data (addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail, insurance fund data etc).

Patient’s Background

  • Patient’s detailed background: previous diseases, surgeries, medical background, family background etc.
  • Online entry of diagnostic tests.
  • Imaging entry of findings.

Disease Management

  • Selection of recording of patient’s condition according to the official list ICD10 and according to the simultaneous descriptive classification of injuries and diseases.
  • Field with patient’s detailed treatment: surgical or conservative and comments.
  • Determination of treatment according to the patient’s reference and with ability to record comments in the corresponding field.
  • Recording alternative treatment protocols (doctor’s or therapist’s proposals) with corresponding comments field.
  • Monitoring the development and effectiveness of treatment by recording daily comments per session.
  • Exercises per muscle group (not included in the basic version).

Programming with Appointments and Sessions


  • Ability to import, rectify, cancel, transfer, redefine new appointment with one click (Drag and drop).
  • All the appointments relating to patient’s sessions can be automatically connected to the corresponding disease for which he is submitted to the sessions. Thus it is easy to monitor the patient’s sessions per disease.
  • Patient’s display and charge to a specific physiotherapist.
  • Productivity monitoring ability and quality control ability per physiotherapist.
  • Detailed list of executed sessions and remaining appointments.
  • View appointments by time, duration, box and therapist.
  • Patient attendance statistics (daily, weekly etc).
  • Patient recording per referrer.
  • Function of automatic entry of references (number, edit date, approval date). Particularly handy application in therapy centres contracted with EOPYY.
  • Automatic creation of new session according to the treatment protocol set with the ability to choose alternative treatments where appropriate.


  • Complete picture of the program with the appointments of the day.
  • With one click control of the complement of the physical therapy centre.
  • Ability to visualize program from previous days in a list or full screen. (Assignment of appointments by time and treatment box.)
  • Ability to register telephone appointment with automatic search of old patients’ personal info and ability to introduce new.
  • Selection of movement, deletion, cancellation of appointment with one click.
  • Emergence of automatic information window with the rest of the financial transactions of the patient.

Financial Situation

  • Print documents.
  • Login with tax mechanism.
  • View all records of financial transactions.
  • Possibility of analytical control of financial transactions (cover by insurance, liabilities, prepayment, credit balance etc).
  • Transmission of MyData documents


Patients’ Movement

  • View all conferences of each patient in detail (even if he is doing two treatments for two different diseases simultaneously).

Day Cash

  • All financial transactions that are carried out per patient are shown analytically per list (amount payable, the amount justified by the insurer and the patients for whom there is economic pending).

Sessions Per Referrer

  • Full list of recommendations per patient and ability to display their sessions per period.



Physiotherapists - Therapy Boxes

  • Show all physiotherapists in a list, associated with their working hours and the treatment boxes, so as to provide the information of correlation per box and patient and hence to make the statistics export possible.


  • Ability to add the physical therapy equipment to the program, enabling the determination of the proposed treatment time set for each machine, by always providing the choice of increment or reduction of the treatment time depending on the needs of each case.